【英譯】Sè-kan-lâng chi̍t lâng chi̍t khoán miā. Ū ê lâng miā-keh súi, m̄ koh sin-thé lám. Ū lâng sī tōa hó gia̍h, m̄ koh sin-thé bái, kāu mô͘-pēⁿ, ū chîⁿ mā hiáng-siū bē tio̍h. Khah su sin-thé kiān-khong, ióng-kiāⁿ, ē chia̍h ē lim, ē kiâⁿ ē sóa ê pêng-siông-lâng
Good fortune can’t compare to good health, being rich can’t compare to being well-nourished / All the money in the world can’t buy good health