Chiú phang m̄ kiaⁿ hāng-á chhim


好酒不用擔心在巷弄的尾端販賣 / 有真材實料的品質,客戶自然會找上門

Bêng-kùi ê mi̍h-kiāⁿ, kè-ta̍t ê mi̍h-kiāⁿ, bô teh hoan-ló lâng m̄ chai, miâ-siaⁿ ka-tī ē thàu chhian-lí

If the wine is good, don’t worry that the tavern is at the end of a long alley / Things of quality and value make themselves known far and wide

來源:阿勇台語 Aiong Taigi