只有真心想要做交易的才會試著講出心裡的想法,沒有興趣的人連開口都不大可能 / 指生意人不該過度擔心客戶的指教
Ē kā lí hiâm hòe án-chóaⁿ khiàm-tiám–ê, chiah sī chèng keng bé bē ê lâng-kheh. M̄ bé tō bē kā lí hiâm. Chò seng-lí-lâng m̄ thang kiaⁿ lâng hiâm hòe
A customer who complains is a customer who buys / They wouldn’t bother complaining if they didn’t want to buy it; businessmen shouldn’t be afraid of customers who complain